Qualitative Study Regarding The Factors That Form The Behavior of Correct Living of Christian Religions With Other Religions
Harmonious behavior, diversity, equality, tolerance, cooperation between religious adherents, exclusivism, fanaticism, prejudiceAbstract
Living in harmony between religious adherents is an important condition for creating a harmonious life in a pluralistic society like Indonesia. Therefore, this qualitative research aims to find out the factors that influence the formation of harmonious living behavior among Christians and adherents of other religions. Thirteen lay congregations from six churches were selected through purposeful sampling. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews conducted by telephone and online.The findings show that there are three factors that can influence the formation of behavior in living in harmony with adherents of other religions. The first factor is the individual's faith in carrying out the Word of God, which includes accepting equality and differences, loving others, and living in peace with others. The second factor is positive experiences in life when relating and interacting with adherents of other religions. And the third factor is the social environment in which the individual lives, grows, and socializes, which includes family, church community, and the influence of Christian leaders who become his references. Another finding obtained through this research is that there are several factors that can hinder the formation of harmonious living behavior with adherents of other religions, namely negative experiences experienced in life when relating and interacting, as well as obstacles originating from theological-doctrinal issues which in turn influence sociological or cultural relationships. Or vice versa, obstacles from sociological issues but ultimately have theological implications, namely exclusivism, fanaticism and prejudice.
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